The first week of 2016 had already passed, yet ‘Should ole acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind’ continued to occupy my thoughts. An incessant earworm and constant reminder of unmade resolutions, along with the happy realization that for now, at least, there were none to be broken.
Unresolved goals for the future had me feeling anxious, with many uncomfortable questions arising. Which direction should I choose for this year, or more aptly, which direction was I going?
THE FAILURE TO PLAN IS A PLAN TO FAIL momentarily replaced Auld Lang Syne, as a memory from my high school days surfaced.
Sifting through the clutter of desk papers, I paused over a clipping, sent to me in a wooden box, by a cherished child, many New Years ago.
The Question, once lived, slowly becomes the Answer.