New Years Day, a time for quiet reflection, reconnection, and perhaps a resurrection?

Yesterday I chose to view my website, with the intent of ‘freshening’ my Bio, updating blogs, deleting old posts – wiping away the cobwebs –New Years Eve sprinkling pixie dust. I found myself reading my bio scribed in 2008, recognizing the antiquity of the words, expressed 5 long years ago, yet with the realization that some things never change.  Rather than hi light and delete, I chose to just cut and paste, reaffirming the desire, and need to always follow my dreams.

Welcome to New Years Day, 2013!!

Slate – Rock Solid Real Estate 

Follow your Dream! There comes a time in life when we may pause, reflect – and for some of us, reorganize our affairs in order to pursue our passion. Sometimes referred to as “Midlife Crisis” this period of reflection and self-actualization offers an opportunity to live out a dream, if we are brave enough to take the plunge.

After many years of running a successful Marketing and Communications Agency – Slate Communications – I chose to follow my heart. Tearfully bidding my long term advertising client’s good-bye, I picked up the Manitoba Real Estate Encyclopedia and took my first step towards achieving my Real Estate License.

With over 25 years of Real Estate Residential and Commercial investing behind me, as well as thousands of hours of searching through Open Houses, visiting the Parade of Homes, booking private viewings, hours clocked on virtual tours, hundreds of missed opportunities, numerous successful ones, and after a few bungled sales and purchases, I felt I was well prepared to help others in their Real Estate purchases.

The mandatory license is now hanging on the wall – and the melded layers of clay, ash and yes, maybe even some volcanic dust have succumbed to the enormous pressure- metamorphosing Slate Communications into:



Layers of life and work experiences set me apart from other Realtors. With a diverse career history focused around Marketing and Technology I bring to the table a high degree of integrity, an understanding of influencers, relationship and communication skills, creative, random, and intuitive based thinking, along with logical and methodical processing. Multi layered, yet solid skills, built to last beyond my lifetime.

Whether you are selling or buying, I will build a firm foundation for your transaction, ensuring you get the best price, in the time frame best suited to your needs, with the least amount of worry or stress. I bring to you a combination of skills and ethics running parallel with your goals in order to achieve your vision.

Bring SLATE to your table – whether listing your home or searching for a new property to write an offer on.


Slate is a metamorphic rock that is created when sedimentary rocks are placed under enormous pressure, and they chemically combine. The flakiest sedimentary materials in the process slide sideways by the pressure, until they run in lines parallel to the force being acted upon them. Cracks that occur during this process also get moved to a parallel position to the pressure. This is what causes the layered nature of slate. Layers can run in any direction, since pressures exerted on them can come from anywhere.
The layers can have different colors or even textures, and digging into slate will often reveal a whole different hue beneath the surface. The general color of these rocks is grey but the chemical composition can cause it to have almost any color imaginable. Slate is often used in roofing, or in flooring. It is highly resistant to weather and is widely used in high traffic areas for its durability and lack of slippage, even when wet. It is also used in house wares, countertops, and sidings.

Sharon Lancaster

Real Estate and Marketing Professional

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