Mindfulness with Bananas from the Windjammer

We’ve all heard of the “monkey mind”—that chattering, restless feeling in your brain that just won’t sit still. Well, teaching mindfulness on a cruise ship can sometimes feel like trying to calm a whole troop of monkeys. Imagine those little rascals jumping from thought to thought, full of energy and mischief. But here’s the trick: sometimes you just have to feed them a banana and tell them to sit in the corner for a while.

I told my group exactly that during our meditation session in the theater. The audience was seated across three levels, the room buzzing slightly from the leftover energy of the morning’s breakfast buffet. I was up on stage, headset microphone snug against my cheek, and I asked everyone to imagine their monkey mind—a playful, distracted little creature—sitting there, wanting attention. I smiled and said, “Now, let’s give that monkey a banana. Picture it: a big, juicy banana from the Windjammer buffet. Let’s hand it over, and watch our monkey happily sit in the corner, nibbling away.”

I could see smiles forming, a few nods as people embraced the idea. Then I added, “And now that the monkey’s content, let’s take over the bridge, shall we? It’s time for you to be in charge—let’s guide this ship into calmer waters.”

There we were, sailing across the Atlantic on a transatlantic voyage, using our imaginations to tame our minds and steer ourselves into stillness. There’s something about the vastness of the ocean that invites a deeper dive into mindfulness. The healing aspects are real—lowered stress, better sleep, and a deep sense of relaxation. Studies have shown that mindfulness can reduce anxiety, boost immune function, and even improve mood. And on a ship, where life moves at a different pace, it’s the perfect time to embrace it.

I invited guests to participate—sharing their own “monkey mind” stories, the distractions that kept them from fully enjoying their vacation. We laughed, we sighed, and we acknowledged those cheeky mental monkeys for what they were—just thoughts. Together, we learned to let them nibble on their bananas while we focused on the joy of simply being at sea, in the moment.

Mindfulness isn’t about forcing the monkeys out; it’s about befriending them, giving them something to do while you take over as captain. So next time you’re feeling a little distracted, just remember: there’s always a banana waiting for your monkey. And don’t just do something—sit there!

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