A few months ago I wrote an Activerain success story and how my presence on Activerain, along with my blogging had connected me with another RainMaker, Robert Twaron. My story revealed how our virtual friendship had resulted in Robert me a pet cow (or calf) for my Granddaughter.
The saga continues, as Abby’s anticipation for her new pet grows, and inspires her – to the point that she has now began ‘cutting classes‘ learning how to coral her new calf. Since the cow is still an imaginary one, her Mom has rigged up a mechanical makeshift cow in a neighboring arena and 5 year old Abby, mounts Mickey her little pony and proceeds to rein, twist and turn the pony. As with most 5 year olds, not being in the arena, or on a horse does not prevent Abby from training and learning – as I learned on our recent Mexican vacation, when I spent many a day following the order “Gramma pretend you are a cow’ and being ‘cut’ as I strolled down the beach.
A cow, a story, a holiday transformed through an unlikely connection, on ActiveRain, a Realtor networking and referral website. The magnitude of the universe overwhelms. But it really is all about imagination, isn’t it.